• Regarding hereditary  property redemption

my hereditary lands were left unattended by my father and so the revenue records were illegally altered .Consequently these illegal intruders using these revenue records created documentation in the registeration department .The total extent sums upto 80 acres.

Due to my financial crisis i took up only 3 acres of the total extent and probed into it ,and  found that the party who sold to us ,again sold to another party. i gave complaint and filed FIR.
But now he has gone to civil suit and claimed that since the case is in legal court ,the police cannot enquire him . 

Kindly advice me in this regard.

I can't spend much money and cannot withstand long trials.    

kindly do the needful.

thanks in advance.
Asked 11 years ago in Property Law

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4 Answers

Kindly give details such as dates and events

K. Mohan Kumar
Advocate, Chennai
10 Answers
8 Consultations

1) you must be having original documents of title . are you in possession of the 80 acres of land? if revenue records have been illegally altered challenge the alterations made in revenue records .

2) if you are not in possession file suit for possession of said land . enclose your documents of title .

3) also file criminal complaint of cheating against those who have illegally altered your name in revenue records

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
97791 Answers
7923 Consultations

When were the revenue records altered? You followed an erroneous approach in filing FIR. You should have moved to court and filed a case for cancellation of revenue documents and possession of land having regard to the fact that your ownership was usurped by forging the revenue records. FIR will not fetch you the land back.

Without any further delay file a case for cancellation of revenue documents made by them in their favour.

Ashish Davessar
Advocate, Jaipur
30814 Answers
974 Consultations

In addition thereto also file a criminal case for cheating and forgery.

Ashish Davessar
Advocate, Jaipur
30814 Answers
974 Consultations

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