Yes. Its violation of their copyright. They may claim damage and stop you from operating the website.
I was going to start a website for providing study notes of GATE exam. These notes are actually the Xerox of the notes from the students book who are attending the famous classes like Made Easy Institute. In short, these notes are not the printed notes of the classes & are not copy-righted. But on my website I will be using the name like "Made Easy Mechanical Engineering Notes". All I wanted to ask is whether I am violating any law (specially copyright law) or can the Institute Made Easy claim for any damage regarding any possible infringement of Intellectual Property right on my website?
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Yes. Its violation of their copyright. They may claim damage and stop you from operating the website.
But the things is that they done have any copyright on that material. I am talking about the hand written notes of the students who attend these classes. Xerox material of the notes of the students are going to be sold on internet. So does that amount to violation of any law?