Dear Client,
I do understand that your friend is passing through great pain, and I appreciate your consideration to find a solution for him. Insolvency or bankruptcy is a real option for someone, such as a sole proprietorship, that does not know how to face the huge pressure of debts. Since it is a sole proprietorship, the debts owned by the entity would be personal debts on part of the owner, thereby allowing the sole proprietorship to file under the Code of 2016, Insolvency and Bankruptcy for Individual Insolvency.
Under the provisions of the IBC, those individuals who are unable to repays their money may file for insolvency with the assistance of Section 94. Your friend will need to apply to the Debt Recovery Tribunal, which is the relevant forum for individual insolvency cases. The application must include details of all debts (bank and private loans), verification of financial difficulty (through evidence such as losses from operations or default on EMIs), list of creditors, amount owed to each, and harassment details, if any. Once the application is admitted, a stay order will remain in effect, halting at once all recovery actions. This would henceforth stop any reinstatement on account of harassment by debt recovery agents. Within this period, the resolution professional will try to restructure the debt by reducing the EMIs or extending the repayment term. If restructuring efforts fail, the DRT may declare bankruptcy, liquidate the available assets for repayment, and discharge the owner from any remaining debts.
Or else, should he not aim at such an option, further efforts can be put in to get other remedial measures. He can negotiate directly with creditors for a moratorium, lower interest rates, or revising loan terms. Under the RBI framework for resolution of stressed assets, it is open for banks to extend certain relief options to desperate borrowers. In case recovery agents operate using illegal means or resort to harassment, it would be prudent to file a complaint with the police for follow-up of his complaints.
This would be advisable for your friend to consult an experienced attorney with respect to matters of IBC so as to have his case properly analyzed and prepare necessary filings. Properly maintaining documents for claims, payments, and evidence through corroboration that losses occurred in business will greatly assist in litigation. Due to that, it appears that filing for insolvency or restructuring, one way or another, would provide a breather for your friend at least in stabilizing his financial position to be able to repay. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you need any further assistance or clarification.