yes you will have to since you plan to stay there for 3 years
Hello Sir, Please let me know if there is a minimum passport validity period required to travel to US? My passport is Expiring in 1 year. I have got H1B Visa for US. I want to travel for 3 years. Please let me know if I should get my passport renewed? Is it mandatory? Thanks a lot Mahtab
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your passport should be valid on your entry in USA . if your passport is expiring during your stay you have to get it renewed from the indian embassy . visitors travelling to USA are reuired to have passports vali d for period of 6 months beyond period of their intended stay in USA .
in you case since your passport is expiring in one year time better get your passport renewed before you travel as US authorities may give I 94 only till your passport validity although your HIB visa is for 3 years .