Families earning more than Rs 4.5 lakh per annum will now be considered "creamy layer" among OBCs, The creamy layer category of the candidate is decided on the parent's post/income but not by the candidate's own post/income.
Sir, please advice me regarding below queries. 1. Whose income will be considered for issuing OBC Non-Creamy layer certificate whether parents or applicant or family including applicant or family excluding applicant 2. How can i find my caste serial no in Central list of OBC. I am from andhra pradesh
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Sir, Please tell me What is the Maximum income for issuing OBC non-Creamy layer certificate
Families earning more than Rs 4.5 lakh per annum will now be considered "creamy layer" among OBCs, The creamy layer category of the candidate is decided on the parent's post/income but not by the candidate's own post/income.