My brother in law nowadays drinks a lot n fights wth my in laws n my husband..he is the elder one.he is married n has 2 kids.6 yrs back..whn he got married his behavior changed absolutely, his wife used to fight wth my mother in law.he lives in a different house they send their kids every day.he shows up every nw n then,last night he fought wth my in laws again...drunk..,my inlaws r very calm n sweet ppl husband asked him to stop he dint..instead started howling towards my husband...somehow he ws sent back try to his instead of sleeping he went back to buy more liquor on his scooty n fell wounded..came home...called 100 n filed a complaint against my husband saying that he hurted him..police came but found the prb still brother in law is bent upon destroying my as to satisfy his ego...he might file more such cases afterwards...he is touching new lows sum1 pls help me by telling me what legal or police related steps cn we take to save my husband or my father in law frm falling prey to his such evil plans....pls help..
Asked 11 years ago in Civil Law