• OBC caste certificate

My father is from MP havinng kunbi caste which is in the central list of Obc as he shifted haryana many years ago so our permanent adress is in haryana on the base of my father caste I also want issue my certificate but in haryana kunbi is not in obc list but by doing Google I found that kurmi and kunbi are same caste so I issue kurmi caste certificate in haryana and give this caste certificate in central government job, and also both kunbi and kurmi are in central list of obc and have same advantage in govt. Job will it create problem and how can I get out of this situation
Asked 5 years ago in Civil Law

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12 Answers

If the both is not found to be same then it will amount to forged certificate. You need to state that the same was not done advertently. You need to just be vigilant now. 

Prashant Nayak
Advocate, Mumbai
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No, it will not create a problem because in India there are so many different languages in state so if both the meaning are same than it should accept in the center. Plus both caste in center has same benefits so no need to worry.

Ganesh Kadam
Advocate, Pune
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See the certificate is taken by mis declaration in same there can be issue in future if somebody challenges the certificate in future.

You should have applied for certificate based on your caste only on migration still benifit is available. See once you submitted before authority your certificate now you cannot withdraw it.

Shubham Jhajharia
Advocate, Ahmedabad
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You don’t belong to Kurmi caste 


you are actually kunbi caste 


in event of verification it is found you do not belong to Kurmi caste you would lose your job 

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
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Nothing will happen if you have proof that both the caste are the same caste , so keep the proof with you and as and when requires show it.

Koshal Kumar Vatsa
Advocate, Gurgaon
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Probably You have been advised over phone previously. You can’t do the same to obtain a job. 



Anilesh Tewari
Advocate, New Delhi
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In central list, they are separately given, mean both are independent caste, hence your kurmi certificate is forged. Probably you may face problem.

To full proof your situation, apply under RTI to harayana govt. that kurmi and kunbi are same caste.

Yogendra Singh Rajawat
Advocate, Jaipur
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If your caste certificate is found to be genuine, then you shall have no legal problem in your employment in this regard.. 

Mohammed Mujeeb
Advocate, Hyderabad
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No need to worry as the caste are same and having same benefits.

It will not create any trouble to you in future. 

Mohit Kapoor
Advocate, Rohtak
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Since both the castes are found in the central list under OBC category, you may obtain a certificate from the revenue department to this effect and give an affidavit on that basis  to confirm your status in respect of the community certificate you have obtained.

This will solve the issue, if any arises in future in this regard

T Kalaiselvan
Advocate, Vellore
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Dear Sir,

The communities are largely found in the state of Maharashtra but also exist in the states of Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala and Goa. Kunbis are included among the Other Backward Classes (OBC) in Maharashtra.

Some Kurmi are distinguished by the regions from which they hail. Hence, those from Uttar Pradesh are known as Purabia Kurmi, those from Bihar, Bihari Kurmi, and those from Madhya Pradesh as Manwa Kurmi. The Kurmi are listed among the Other Backward Classes (OBC) in the Indian Constitution.


Kunbi (alternatively Kanbi) is a generic term applied to castes of traditionally non-elite farmers in Western India. These include the Dhonoje, Ghatole, Hindre, Jadav, Jhare, Khaire, Lewa (Leva Patil), Lonare and Tirole communities of Vidharbha.


Kanbi in Gujarath, kapu/kamma in AP,Kurmi in up/Bihar and kunbi are from same group,and Shivaji Maharaj belong to Kunbi caste. The Maratha caste is amalgam of kunbi and Yadav like castes. But Shivaji Maharaj was assisted by persons belonging to every caste of Maharashtra.

Kanbi in Gujarath, kapu/kamma in AP,Kurmi in up/Bihar and kunbi are from same group,and Shivaji Maharaj belong to Kunbi caste.

The Maratha caste is amalgam of kunbi and Yadav like castes.

Netravathi Kalaskar
Advocate, Bengaluru
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- Caste certificate is very important document and will be definitely verified during documents verification stage of recruitment process job.

- Since, both named Kurmi and Kubi are same and come under the tag of OBC, hence you will not face any problem , and are eligible to get the benefit of OBC. 

Mohammed Shahzad
Advocate, Delhi
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