Share of property in house after partition deed
My father left house property without righting the will and my mother had divided the house among we three brothers in the year 2012 by way of partition deed, she was not taken her share of property, stating that she can stay/live with any of his three sons.
After partition deed my mother was stayed with my elder brother, after 4 months he had started harassing my mother to leave his house, then my mother left his house and stated living with my younger brother, after few days he also did the same thing, my mother had left his house, then onwards she was staying with me, now she realized the pain for not taking the her share of property.
Now she wants her share of property, but no one was ready to give her share.
So, please inform weather she can get her share, if she files case in court or not, as she was not done any signature, or stated anything about her share in partition deed copy.
Thanking You.
Ram Mohan
Asked 11 years ago in Civil Law