I married in 2012.My wife left in 2013.Immediately,she filed case u/s 498a/406 against us giving list of stridhan gold in FIR,mentioning some are kept in my mother’s bank locker and some with me.We got AB from Hon’ble HC with undertaking “ your petitioner undertakes to handover the said Stridhan articles to the complainant forthwith” in the Affidavit. Nothing was mentioned in the Hon’ble HC AB order about Stridhan. We did not return the same because my wife implicated me in false cases. Our advocate here told us that” you can take out all golds from the locker because no court can break open that locker of your mother “.Police tried to contact us but failed many times. Police applied to the Hon’ble ACJ Magistrate for sealing of the locker but he declined saying that IO has enormous power to recover stridhan. Police again tried to contact us several times but could not get us. At last after 8 months of FIR, police again gone to Hon’ble ACJ Magistrate and he ordered for sealing the bank locker. After some days, we gone to return the stridhan to police from the sealed locker only. Balance stridhan, we have not given, because there is no proof of those stridhan. Police submitted charge-sheet recently mentioning us as primafacie accused u/s 498a /406. 498a cannot be proved by them. Is there any chance of our getting convicted u/s 406,even though we have returned the stridhan?As per SC judgement on ” Pratibha Rani vs Suraj Kumar & Anr on 12 March, 1985” which says :-
"……….In my opinion, where certain thing is lying in trust with a person, offence of dishonest misappropriation would be committed on a date the demand for return of the entrusted articles is made and the same is declined...According to the complaint, the first demand for the return of the articles was made on January 27, 1976 and it was that date when the demand was declined. Hence, the offence of misappropriation of the dowry articles lying in trust was committed on January 27, 1976…….."
Division bench confirmed that “……We find ourselves in entire agreement with this decision and hold that this was correctly decided…..”.
Is there any way out for avoiding conviction u/s 406? I shall be grateful to you.
Asked 9 years ago in Criminal Law
Religion: Hindu