1) Yes, the relatives or friends of the prisoners can be allowed to visit the prisoners on an application for purpose on specified time or day as per the schedule which may be found displayed outside the prison notice board or can be had from prison authorities.
2) Generally eatables of genuine and standard make are allowed to be given to the concerned prisoners brought by the visitors but in a very small quantity and after thorough verification of the item to be given too the prisoner.
3) Yes the family can contact the prisoner without the help of the lawyer or even may be allowed to speak through phone during emergency through the phone available in the office of the prison jailer.
Section 40 of the Indian Prison Act 1894, the provisions of which are reproduced herein below may make you understand the position of law in this regard:
"Visits to civil and unconvicted criminal prisoners.— Due provision shall be made for the
admission, at proper times and under proper restrictions, into every prison of persons with whom
civil or unconvicted criminal prisoners may desire to communicate, care being taken that, so far
as may be consistent with the interests of justice, prisoners under trial may see their duly qualified
legal advisers without the presence of any other person. "