MoU agreement between me & my ex-wife is binding on my mother
I married in Oct 2015.
Dispute started in march 2017.
She filed false 498a and maintiance case in court.
Then we compromised for MCD. My ex wife withdraw 498 a and maintaince cases.
I got divorce on Nov 2018.
MoU signed Only between me and My ex wife That we, our family member, relatives will not file cases each other in future.
My mother did not sign anywhere. But I was living with my parents at the time of signing of MoU.
To take revenge I want to file cases through My mother against my ex wife because she written my mother and my sister name in false 498a case. We have all evidences that all these allegations were wrong and we can proof 100% it in court.
False 498a case gave mental trauma to mother and Spoiled her reputation. My sister and father name was also written in that case. My ex wife also take away my son away from my mother and this is causing depression in my mother. And now not let her to meet her grand children.
Is that MoU is binding on My mother also ??
Can i surrender the rights of my mother regarding filing case ??
If my mother file any case against her...... it will be called breach of trust by Me ???? I can also prove that i am not living with my mother from last few months and she is filing cases in her individual Capacity. I can not stop her doing this.
If yes
Which cases my mother can file against her???
And it will be violation of MoU or not.????
Asked 6 years ago in Family Law
Religion: Sikh