Brother wife will get any share whole farm land of 15 acres
Hi Sir,
We are the 4-sons for my father and we have 15 acres of farm land on the name of my father and mother. My second brother got marriage on 1-year back at my own village and my brother wife family making violence on my family. We are decent and respected position in my village, but my brother wife family making violence with abusing words and they are making irrespective words in front of my villagers publicly . We are loosing day by day respected level on my village and my entire family was not happy and irritating by them, we never got this kind of situation. My brother wife family side (15people) came upon to my house and using the words like we'll kill you, different kinds of rural language abused (seamless) words
My brother don't have any childrens and Now if we will take diverse for my brother, how much share of brother wife will get the entire 15 acres farm land. How much maintenance charges will give by the court.
I'm writing this for saving of my entire family and I studied well but I don't know, how to go with law and how can I go through this kind of situation. Kindly help me on this.
Asked 6 years ago in Property Law
Religion: Hindu