1) The provision for judicial separation is contained in section 10 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. The section reads as under:
A decree for judicial separation can be sought on all those ground on which decree for dissolution of marriage, i.e. divorce can be sought.
Hence, judicial separation can be had on any of the following grounds:
Apostacy (Conversion of religion)
Virulent and incurable form of leprosy
Venereal disease in a communicable form
Renunciation of world by entering any religious order
Has not been heard of as being alive for seven years
2) Judicial separation is a sort of a last resort before the actual legal break up of marriage i.e. divorce. The reason for the presence of such a provision under Hindu Marriage Act is the anxiety of the legislature that the tensions and wear and tear of every day life and the strain of living together do not result in abrupt break – up of a marital relationship.
3)she continues to be legally wedded wife unless divorce is granted .