• Can get working periods benefit after resignation

i was working in zilla parishad thane on daily wages from 1986 to 1995.
due to low salary i resigned the job in 1995. and joined another job.
in 1998 industrial court ordered Z.P. to give benefits of permanancy from year 1986.
zilla parishad appeal in high court. i did not present in high court. High Court Dismissed the petition saying that if employee comes to Z.P. for benefits of industrial court. then zilla parishad should revive this petition.
Now I am Demanding the Financial Benefits ( salary Difference) from year 1986 to 1986 that is upto my resignation date.
Now zilla parishad is saying that i have resigned in 1995. and court orders are in 1998... so they cant give the finanial benefits...and also there is no need to revive the petition in highcourt..
Please guide me that I am Eligible for salary difference and other finanacial benefits for the period that i was in service(1986 to 1985)
if i am eligible then please guide me what will be the further procedure
Asked 11 years ago in Labour

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1 Answer

The ID court order was in your case or in some other case? Go through the Standing Order of ZP. If the ID court order was not in your case then you may not get the benefit of it. Also check from which date the order has come into force.

Rajni Sinha
Advocate, Mumbai
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