Your builder will have to be served al legal notice in the first instance to follow the clause given underneath which is binding upon him and speaks of his obligation towards you as spelled out in the agreement.
"In the event, the Builder/Promoter fails to handover the possession of the Residential Flat to the Purchaser beyond the said grace period of 6months then in that event Builder/Promoter shall, on demand, pay to the Purchaser compensation calculated at the rate of 12 per cent per annum on the amounts paid by the Purchaser from the date of expiry of such grace period of 6 months, the Purchaser from the date of expiry of such grace
period of 6 months till the possession, of the Residential Flat, and handed over to the Purchaser.Alternatively, on such expiry of the said grace period of 6 months, the Purchaser may by giving notice in writing to the Builder/Promoter elect to terminate this Agreement and in such event, the Builder/Promoter shall on demand be liable to refund to the Purchaser the amounts already received by the Builder/Promoter in respect of the said Residential Flat with simple interest at 12 percent per annum from the date of cancellation till the date of refund.
In the event of such termination neither Party shall have any other claim, against the other, in respect of the said
Residential Flat or arising out of this Agreement and the Builder/Promoter shall be at liberty to sell and dispose of the Residential Flat to any other person at such price and upon such terms and conditions as the Builder/Promoter may deem fit. If as a result of any legislative order or regulation or direction of the Government or Public authorities, or for reasons beyond the control of theBuilder/Promoter, the Builder/Promoter are unable to complete the aforesaid Building and/or give
possession of the said Residential Flat to the Purchaser, the only responsibility and liability of the
Builder/Promoter, upon the Purchaser exercising the right ti terminate this Agreement ,will be to pay
over to the Purchaser such amount attributable to the said Residential Flat that may have been received by the Builder/Promoter without any interest within such time and in such manner as may be decided by the Builder/Promoter. Save as aforesaid neither party shall have any right or claim against the other under or in relation to this Agreement or otherwise however.
Provided that the Builder/Promoter shall be entitled to reasonable extension of time for giving delivery of the said Residential Flat on the aforesaid date, if the completion of Building in which the said Residential Flat is to be situated is delayed for reasons beyond the control of the Builder/Promoter including on account of:
(i) Non-availability of steel, cement, other building material, water or electric supply.
(ii) War, civil commotion or act of God
(iii) Any notice, order, rule, notification of the Government and/or other public or
competent authority or for any reason beyond the control of the Builders/Promoter.
(iv) Economic Hardship.
if the reason assigned in shortage or delay in supply of raw material he shall have to prove the same once you choose to proceed against him before the consumer forum for deficiency in service. you may also file a regular civil suit for specific performance and payment of compensation/damages in addition to the remedy under the consumer protection act.