What if some is not in the central list of obc but applied and got selected in the basis on state obc certificate and his community is not in the central list he is from jat community. I am the next candidate in the reserve list and overall 2nd highest marks scorer he is the higest marks scorer. And he has seeked age relaxtion to due to which is not considered an ur. I am obc at center level also but i did not qualify in the interview as an ur if it would have been would have got the job. Now i filed a writ petition in hon'ble high court of delhi where in i have not pointed the obc matter as i recieved the information about his caste bcouse i filed the case before. But i have written few application to the concerened dept. abt this matter. The dept. has stopped his process against him and few other candidates have even joined. But the dept. is angry with me as if filed a petition and many rti against them. Help me can include the caste matter in current case or file another case.
Asked 11 years ago in Civil Law
I even filed an rti with the dept abt his varified caste certificate and its remarks but they just did not gave proper answer so i filed an first appell nor are they talking with me one of the employee even told me that they are angry as i filed many rti and a petition and they dont have any time for me.
Asked 11 years ago
My laywer is telling me that we cannot include the caste matter as if now we are fighting against the dept. for that we have to file a different case against the other candidate is it right or trying to make me a fool after knowing the above facts he is also not showing any interest in the case even not coming the dates. As he claims that there is no use of him appearing in front of the registrar( for the past dates my case is being heard in the registrars court)
Asked 11 years ago
Will he refund me my fees
Asked 11 years ago