I have taken a Contract Labour License .I have been working with a Company as a Manager.I supply my labour to this Company.Is there any illligality on my part?
Asked 11 years ago in Labour
There is no such terms or condition for my employment.Is there any illigality in taking the Contract Labour Licence and supply labour to my Company as well as other Companies ?
Asked 11 years ago
Thank you Sir for the prompt reply.The question is can I continue in the present Company as a Manager AND take a contract labour license to supply labour to this company ? In other words can I do both simultaniously ? Is there any illigality whin I take the Contract Labour License from the Gov. ?
Asked 11 years ago
Thank You Sir.I have taken a contract labour license in the name of a proprietry concern of which I am a proprieter.I have a seperate pf/esic etc code and pay all necessary contributions and run the concern properly.I also work as above .So now what will be the illigality ?
Asked 11 years ago