1. Are Non-stamped Service agreement valid in India? If yes, are these enforcable.
Answer: All agreements are valid in India, provided they have signed by both the parties. Did you sing the agreement?
2. My reason for quit was primarily harassment and insulting behaviour. Should I just ignore all this? I did not do any damages. I do not have any school property with me.
Answer: See as per labour law is concerned, you might be on probationary period? If yes then you are little on the safe side;
3. Should we talk to them, explain health & present Medical documents and negotiate for an amount to pay?
Answer: Yes please collect all medical evidences in your favour;'
4. Should we hire laywer and take it forward?
Answer: Engage services of a lawyer if you wish to reply;
This is in further response to you:
1. You can send a reply to the legal notice if you want;
2. If you choose to ignore it then they can approach the civil court for recovery of sums;
3. Mostly employers do not approach the civil court for recovery cases since it takes years to finalise;
4. Therefore you can hire a lawyer, draft a reply, send it to your employer with attached proofs, and say that you cannot continue in service for the above stated reasons and you have the right to quit whenever you choose to you;
5. Also state that the agreement is not binding on you since you were never given a copy of the same;
6. You can say the signature was obtained by fraud and coercion;
7. For fraud and coercion you can also file case, but you will not if the employer drops his charges against you;
8. Once you create a strong reasoning from your side, then the employer should not trouble you in the future.