1. Is your father alive or deceased?
2. Have you been authorised to or eligible to be a vendor of your father's property?
3. If yes, then have you kept any clause in the said Sale Agreement executed by you about the time within which the buyer should execute the Sale Deed"
4. Have you kept any forfieture clause in your said Agreement for Sale in case the Vendee fails/refuses to comply with the registration clause of the said agreement?
5. Was there any clause for cancellation of the agreement in case of his not fulfilling any clause mentioned in the said agreement?
6. If yes, then send him a notice stating that you will be compelled to cancel the said agreement and forfiet the agreed amount from the advance paid by him, if he fails to register the Sale Deed within 70 days thereof,
7. If he fails to register with in 7 days, send him a letter of cancellation of the agreement and also refund the balance amount after deducting the forfieted amount from the advance he has paid to you.