• Compensation for the property

Sir , मेरी एक पोर्पर्टी नागपुर शहर में है d p. प्लान में रोड चौड़ा करने के कारण मेरी बिल्डिंग का काफी हिस्सा जा रहा है , यह रोड पुराना नेशनल हाईवे रोड है जो शहर के बीच से होकर जा रहा है । में आपसे निवेदन करता हूँ की मुझे बताये की मुझे मेरी जो जगह रोड चौड़ीकरण में जा रही हैं तो कितना compansation मिलेंगे।
Asked 7 years ago in Constitutional Law

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10 Answers

As per the ready rekoner rate you are legally eligible for compensation under land acquisition act. The designated officer i.e the talati or the tehsildar shall provide you the exact quantum of amount to be received as compensation.

for more detailed information you can contact me [deleted] post 7 pm.

Aameer Kale
Advocate, Greater Mumbai
7 Answers

Dear Cleint,

U will get compensation according to market price and if due to such acquisition, your property left with no use, than compensation for whole property.

Yogendra Singh Rajawat
Advocate, Jaipur
23012 Answers
31 Consultations

You should get compensation in case your plot is acquired by the authorities

2) amount of compensation would depend upon market value of property

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
97867 Answers
7939 Consultations

Dear Sir,

You will get handful of compensation as per the principles laid down by Hon'bl High Court as follows. Please check ratios of different judgments.


Bombay High Court

Shalini Vaman Godbole vs Special Land Acquisition Officer on 22 June, 2009

Bench: B.H. Marlapalle, S.J. Vazifdar

Sohan Lal (1988) 2 Andh LT, 206, a Divisi

Shalini Vaman Godbole ..Appellant


1.Special Land Acquisition Officer,

Special Unit, Solapur and ors. ..Respondents

on Bench of that High Court, without noticing these two binding decisions, held that the Basic Valuation Register would form foundation to determine the market value and directed to determine the compensation on that basis. The entire controversy was considered by yet another Division Bench in Vasireddi Bharata Rao v. Revenue Divisional Officer (1992) 1 Andh LT, 591. The Division Bench, after considering the case law disagreeing with Sohan Lal8 view as per incuriam, also reiterated that the Basic Valuation Register maintained by the registering authority has no statutory foundation to determine the market value and cannot form the base under Section 23(1) to determine the market value. This Court in Gulzara Singh v. State of Punjab (1993) 4 SCC, 245, held that mutation entries of the land transactions in the revenue records are not evidence unless the parties to the transactions have been examined in proof of documents. In Director of Survey-cum-LAO v. Mohd. Ghouse (1985) 1 MLJ, 116, relied on by Mr Ganguli, the Division Bench of Madras High Court, relying upon the instructions issued by the Government to determine the market value for the purpose of registration of the instrument under Section 47-A, held that it would form basis to determine the market value under Section 23 in an appropriate case, subject to proof of the market value. What were the instructions issued by the Government and whether they had any statutory foundation, have not been stated by the Division Bench. If the broad proposition of law that under Section 47-A of Stamp Act such instructions could be issued, as contended for the appellant herein, as appears to be the view of the High Court, it is not correct law. As we have already noted, Section 47-A being local amendment, made by each State Legislature did not find any such statutory basis. Like A.P. Act, Tamil Nadu Act is also referable to transactions intra vivos and not as general guidelines. If they are based on evidence inter partes it would be consistent with Section 47-A. Accordingly we hold that the basic value of registration has no statutory base. It cannot form any basis to determine the market value of the acquired lands under Section 23 of the Act. The burden of proof is always on the claimant to prove, in each case the prevailing market value as on the date of notification published in the State Gazette under Section 4(1) of the Act with reference to the sale deeds of the same lands or neighbour’s lands possessed of same or similar advantages and features executed between willing vendor and willing vendee or other relevant evidence in the reference court. The State did not file any appeal against the award of the reference court which itself is a matter gone in favour of the appellant. We do not find any justification to further enhance the market value.

Kishan Dutt Kalaskar
Advocate, Bangalore
6193 Answers
493 Consultations

aapki property kaun acquire kar rha hai? NHAI(national highways authority of India) aapki zameen quire kar rhi?

Vibhanshu Srivastava
Advocate, Lucknow
9696 Answers
314 Consultations

सर आपको अपने जमीन के लिए मार्किट रेट पर compemsation मिलेगा सेक्शन 26 land acquisition act 2013 मैं कलेक्टर प्रॉपर्टी की वैल्यू एसएस करेगा।

फिर आपको आपकी बिल्डिंग का लिए भी मार्किट वैल्यू पेर कंपनसेशन मिलेगा अगर acquasition के बाद बिल्डिंग का उसे खत्म हो रहा है तो उस हिसाब से काउंट होगा क्लेम।

सेक्शन 29 land acquasition Act.

इन सबको मिला कर जो compensation अमाउंट निकलेगा उस पर आपको 100% Solatium Amount add होगा और वो टोटल आपका कंपनसेशन अवार्ड होगा।


Shubham Jhajharia
Advocate, Ahmedabad
25514 Answers
179 Consultations

यह मेरी सलाह है:

1. आप नगर निगम के अधिकारियों से संपर्क कर सकते हैं;

2. भूमि अधिग्रहण अधिकारी/महाराष्ट्र राज्य सड़क विकास निगम (एमएसआरडीसी) से संपर्क करें;

3. आप भूमि के मूल्य के आधार पर मुआवजे के लिए पात्र हैं;

4. भूमि के मूल्य को जानने के लिए नगर पालिका से संपर्क करें;

5. कलेक्टर ने संवाददाताओं से कहा कि शुष्क भूमि के लिए न्यूनतम दर प्रति हेक्टेयर 41 लाख रुपये और सिंचित भूमि के लिए 84 लाख रुपये प्रति हेक्टेयर तय की गई है।

Gowaal Padavi
Advocate, Mumbai
1920 Answers
5 Consultations

Sorry, puts English mein like Diya he. Per please samajhne ki koshishhh kerna aapki faydaaaaa pakkkkka millega.

Firslty, make a representation to the land owing agency asking for the compensation amount.

Secondly, if they do not do so then wait for 15 days (not mandatory, it may be less time also if urgency).

Thirdly, file a Writ of Mandamus in the High Court for Gaur compensation as per circle rates.

Bali baaat aap phone pe bhi ker sakte he Kanoon ke through.

Sanjay Baniwal
Advocate, South Delhi
5477 Answers
13 Consultations

The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013 (also Land Acquisition Act, 2013) is an Act of Indian Parliament that regulates land acquisition and lays down the procedure and rules for granting compensation, rehabilitation and resettlement to the affected persons in India.

Section 26 of the Act defines the method by which market value of the land shall be computed under the proposed law.

The market value would be multiplied by a factor of, at least one to two times the market value for land acquired in rural areas and at least one times the market value for land acquired in urban areas. The Act stipulates that the minimum compensation to be a multiple of the total of above ascertained market value, value to assets attached to the property, plus a solatium equal to 100 percent of the market value of the property including value of assets.

In addition to above compensation, the Act proposes a wide range of rehabilitation and resettlement entitlements to land owners and livelihood losers from the land acquirer.Market value is often used interchangeably with open market value, fair value or fair market value, although these terms have distinct definitions in different standards, and may differ in some circumstances.

T Kalaiselvan
Advocate, Vellore
88065 Answers
2377 Consultations

You will get the applicable area as per the municipal regulations. The FSI and TDR will be provided to your society or yourself depending on the case.

Prashant Nayak
Advocate, Mumbai
33129 Answers
215 Consultations

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