• A degree not recognized

I am a B.Sc., that is a Science Graduate. After I completed my graduation, we heard about this new course started by Gautam Buddha University, which is a state University in Greater Noida. They were offering a 3.5 year M.Tech. to Science Graduates. They already had a batch running for the above said course.
We, thinking that the University was a state University, enrolled for the course.
During our 2nd year, the University changed the 3.5 year to 3 years. We all got suspicious and started asking them questions about the validity of the course. Instead of clarifying, the University shut the course down with no explanation.
Since only a year was left, I had no choice but to complete the course.
I have wasted 3 years of my life and more than 2 lakhs on a degree that is of no use to me.
I cannot go forward and pursue a PHD or any other degree since it would require more time and money which I don't have. I already have a loan on my head.
We may have made a mistake for enrolling in the course but that doesn't change the fact that our future was played with by a government body that we trusted.
Can I file a case against the University?
Asked 11 years ago in Constitutional Law

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2 Answers

This is a cruel joke played with students. You may move the civil court for recovering from the university the amount you had spent on enrolling yourself in this course and also the damages.

Ashish Davessar
Advocate, Jaipur
30814 Answers
974 Consultations

The procedure to file the case begins by engaging the lawyer and telling him the background of the matter. You may contact Mr.Siddhartha Mishra from kanoon.com in this regard.

Ashish Davessar
Advocate, Jaipur
30814 Answers
974 Consultations

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