1. This Registration was done on 1987, so can we file a Civil suit for cancellations of sale deed now. -- Possibilities are rare. The limitation for this is three years from the date of such registration or three years from the date of knowledge of this forgery.
2. If wife signed on the documents, did she eligible to sell husband property as she don't have any ligal rights on this husband property. ---No
3. 1st party sold that property to others and they sold that property to someone, so 3rd party is on possession on that land now. -- Relief is meager at present as matter is very old.
4. How many days it will take to cancel this sale deed as these people are planning to sell the property to others, -- In trim relief/stay after filling or suit for cancellation of sale deed obtained by fraud. rest it will take time to decide.
So do we have any possibility to the Register office to put the inquiry on this fraudulent Registration..