Suggestions to fight 498A
498A is rich men’s game. Start not to love money. Money will invariably go. Don’t be depressed seeing you’re hard earned money go. Think in your mind that your life is saved in exchange of some money. Think of it as cancer engulfing some part of your body and you are spending money to save your body part. 498A will make you stronger and you will earn more money in future. Think of police, lawyers and middlemen as parasites on affected part of your body. When part of your body gets cured these parasites will automatically disappear.
There is no single remedy for all cases of 498A and its associated ones. Learn from internet and take your own decisions using your commonsense. The women know that they have done wrong. After 498A a man becomes free but a woman is gripped in so many hassles. Her family becomes untouchable. It becomes very hard to conduct marriage in her family. She is virtually socially boycotted. In earlier days people used to think that it was fault of men. But nowadays almost everybody knows that 498A is done for revenge, extortion, extra marital, not getting physically satisfied from hubby and to get rid of hubby. Don’t bother for society. Society is with you.
Doing 498A by a woman is not easy. She needs extra external support to conduct and continue it. This extra support comes from her maternal family or some boyfriend. Woman does not do 498A on one fine morning. There is always a matrimonial dispute beforehand. You can sense the wrath of wife beforehand. Warning is almost always given before executing 498A. Don’t take the warning lightly. Start doing your preparations. Start separating your assets. It is a good practice not to share your assets with your wife.
Maybe your own relatives corner from you. Believe me “498A 498A bhai bhai”. A 498A victim has always a soft corner for another 498A victim. Share your thoughts. Do a lots of blogging. Get experience from other 498A victims. These experiences help a lot. SIF had warned me that if I go home I might face 307 (Attempt to murder). I disregarded them and went home and faced 307 and was in custody.
Man is shy of himself and not from others. When I was roped like criminals and one rope traversed around 10 people knotted on the trunk I was not ashamed because I did not do any wrong. I kept eye contact with people who looked upon me. I found myself to be a stronger person.
Try to escape custody at any cost but don’t fear from it. If it comes face it. There were millions of people who faced custody. These are lock ups and not concentration camps. Everybody in police knows that you are not at fault. Behave properly with them. They will not harm you. They are human beings. They have sympathy with you but they may be corrupted. They will try to extract money from you. Condition of police lockups, jails, courts and related system are more or less same all over country. This system was designed by British for their own purpose of ruling rest of the world. We have adopted that system. In this system the representatives of rulers are never wrong. Even if a wrong judgment is passed a judge is never penalized. A police officer is never punished unless he does homicide. Lawyers fight for wrong causes. Public prosecutors routinely demands custody for victims. Police always demand police custody. You are the prey. They will feed upon you. Courts are business houses and lawyers, judges, brokers, public prosecutors are the agents and you are the customer. In our country anybody can trap anybody to face custody. If you have money power and you know how to use it you can very well save yourself. Poor has to face custody.