1. Engagement is a verbal agreement where both the parties under certain agreed conditions, agreed to perform certain acts, solemnisation of marriage in the instant case,
2. Disclosure of all vital facts is one permanent clause in such verbal marriage agreement,
3. The girl's side did not comply with the verbal agreement and did not disclose the vital fact that she is having an affiar with some other person,
4. You have all the liberty to call off the marriage for the above suppression of fact by the girl's side,
5. It is not understandable why two weeks time is required for returning the hgiftd,
6. Send a letter to the police as a precaution under copy to the S.P., detailing the facts and expressing your apprehension that they may retaliate by lodintg false dowry complaint against you,
7. It will be prudent if you keep the audio recording of the conversation of the gir's side admitting that they didd not inform you about the girl's affair.