• Neighbor troubling us

Dear Sir,

Our neighbour hit our child 4 years back in our absence. When we asked the lady why she did so, she started abusing us and denying she did so. She troubled us in many ways(locking our main door, throwing our maids slippers when kept outside. When we used to get angry when she was abusing us, she started recording that to trouble us further. We have lodged many complains against her at nearby station and even she has done the same. But no FIR so far to avoid her. We had to change our childs school because her daughter( studying in same school) who is elder to our child used to push him while he was getting down from bus and used to give him forcibly chocolates to eat, which we suspect were unsafe(luckily our child didn't eat them). We were very sacred and informed his school principal, School scolded her daughter but she continued troubling our child. We were sacred and put him in some other school. From the past 3 years our child goes to another school. 

She works as a teacher in Bangalore and we complained to the school where she works that she has the habit of hitting and abusing children. We didn't mention our name because we were scared she will harm our child. We didn't want other children to suffer like our child did. We just did our moral duty so that the principal knows about this. She is bullying us that she will use that as a proof to trouble us in court. 

Sir/Madam please suggest what to do? We are scared that she will join our child's school and harm him.
Asked 11 years ago in Constitutional Law

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1 Answer

Why was the FIR not lodged? Did the police refuse to lodge FIR, or you insisted that it be not not lodged? It seems that she has been given too long a rope due to the fact that criminal proceedings have not been initiated against her so far. Emboldened by this she is taking this to the next level.

Now immediately lodge a FIR against her if she does anything lest any serious harm befalls your child. She cannot file any case against you.

Ashish Davessar
Advocate, Jaipur
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