• Signed consent

Dear Sir,

There are few tenants in our building who have signed consent document for redevelopment. There are few who are opting for consent term in court. Is there any possibility if we can also get others who had already signed consent also enter into consent term.

Please advice. We need someone to guide on this we don't want to revoke consent but want it to be registered in court along with others.

Kind Regards,
Asked 10 years ago in Intellectual Property

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2 Answers

Hi, tenants may enter into agreement with owner of the building.

2. For the consent given before the court I can't understand. If the matter is before the court then only both the parties may enter compromise.

Pradeep Bharathipura
Advocate, Bangalore
5617 Answers
338 Consultations

Are you taking about compromise when you are staying about consent term before the court?

If ask the tenants are party to the sir pending before court or are represented by one person then it is possible that everyone signs a consent term.

Shaveta Sanghi
Advocate, Chandigarh
914 Answers
111 Consultations

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