A Hindu male is legally obligated to maintain his spouse. Maintenance includes provision for food, residence, clothing, education and medical attendance and treatment.Maintenance is not merely a legal right. It is part and parcel of basic human right. For weaker sections, it is a problem in the sense that their very survival rest on the maintenance. The object behind the provision is two-fold: firstly, to prevent vagrancy resulting from stained relation between the husband and wife, and secondly, to ensure that the indigent litigating spouse is not handicapped in defending or prosecuting the case due to want of money.
A wife is not entitled to any allowance if she, without sufficient cause, refuses to live with her husband. A wife who is well qualified and is capable to earn cannot sit idle and claim maintenance from her husband. A well-qualified wife is not entitled to remain as an idle and claim maintenance from her husband
Cruelty is an inhuman treatment and it is an act that causes mental sufferings and endangers to the life and health of the other. Cruelty may be in the form of physical as well as mental by the act either of the husband or the wife. Though it is the women who have always been subjected to be tortured and harassed by the husband and relatives, in fact saying this will not be proper as cases of torture and harassment against the husband by the wife is increasing day by day. Cruelty is the main ground to seek divorce as defined under ‘Sec 13(1) (i-a)’ of ‘The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955’ and party who is filing a case must prove that living between husband and wife became impossible.
The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 provide right to stay in her matrimonial home to wife .So only the other provision is to offer alternative accommodation. Complaint to the police not work properly but can save you from false 498A case in future.
During divorce or marriage annulment proceedings, the issue of child custody often becomes a matter for the court to determine. In most cases, both parents continue to share legal child custody but one parent gains physical child custody. Family law courts generally base decisions on the best interests of the child or children, not always on the best arguments of each parent.
The custodial parent will be the primary caretaker responsible for the emotional, medical and educational needs of the child and the non-custodial parent who does not lose the rights over the child will have the right of access.Guardian and wards card are empowered to determine the issue of child custody. Mothers and fathers both have a prominent role to play in supporting the growth and development of their children. The basic opinion of the child and the mother is highly ignored while determining the custody of the child. Family law courts generally base decisions on the best interests of the child or children (welfare of children), not always on the best arguments of each parent.
1. Permanent Custody
2. Interim Custody
3. Visitation Right