Builder has not given OC, EC, A-khata & tax receipts
I had taken possession of my flat in 2008 from HM Constructions at their prestigious HM World City project. At the time of taking possession of the flat the builder mentioned they will provide the documents - Occupancy Certificate, encumbrance certificate, A-khata & tax paid receipts once the flat is registered and occupied. Even after occupying the flat for the past 6 years and constant communication with the builder, there is no sight of the above mentioned documents and receipts and transfer of electricity corpus fund to flat owners. In a law site, i saw that if the developer fails to submit the OC to the tenants its possible put an RTI @ the civic authority and get all documents submitted by the builder and the individual can move forward with such an application? What is the best course of action here? I am (we residents would be a better put it) running from pillar to post to get the required documents from the builder with no result.
Can you suggest what can be done?
Also is it possible to file an injunction against his current constructions in the same premises until he complies with law and clear the dues or papers with current residents? ( I know an injunction is very strong message to the builder but looking at the nature how residents have been treated and taken for granted by the builder it seems to be a better move to keep him in toes.)
Asked 10 years ago in Property Law