On verification we found:
1. Sale deed executed on 152 decimal where as available land is 116.5 decimal.is this acceptable?
It is not convincing hence not acceptable
2. Also opponent party done mutation for 152 decimal and also given rent for 152 decimal.is this acceptable?
3. opponent party original sale deed copy (deed no. 203/2002) and the obtained certified copy of sale deed (deed no. 203/2002) from registrar office found different in content in second page and position of seller signature found different(original copy seller signed in appropriate place and in certify copy signatures of seller in bottom of every page), is this acceptable?
The contradictions have to be brought to the notice of court during trial proceedings
4. witnesses address not mentioned in opponent sale deed.
It is not a problem, this will not alter the nature of deed
5. That time tahsildar has signed in witness in opponent party sale deed.
There is nothing wrong in it
6. In opponent party sale deed our sale deed number even not mentioned.
Then the sale deed can be challenged on this ground itself mentioning that this is a fraud
7. And lastly my mother is uneducated and not signed in any document ever, but after her death how would i prove.
The burden of proof will be on the opponent
We have done petition in court of DC to cancel his forged sale deed, please suggest.
You can challenge it, but it was not necessary, you should have made him to aproach court instead.