• Court fees or litigation charges for succession certificate

My father died intestate 8 years ago leaving behind physical paper shares valued approx 50 lakh. I am thinking of getting a succession certificate from court to get those shares transfered through respective registrars. Can any one tell me if there is a fixed court fee for this sort off a case in Delhi? Also appreciate if you can tell me a fair estimate of litigation fees in such a case. Note there is no disputes amongst the legal hires.
Asked 6 years ago in Property Law
Religion: Hindu

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10 Answers

Since the valuation of your succession suit exceeds Rs. 50 lacs, expect to pay something in between 6-7% of the total valuation as court fee.

Get in touch with a local lawyer to know exact amount of court.

Lawyer may charge you anything in between 70k-1 lacs to get this done.

Vibhanshu Srivastava
Advocate, Lucknow
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You may contact me, I will ask my associate to handle this case for you.

Court will depend on the total amount that will be shown at that particular time.

NOC will have to be filed by all the legal heirs.

Approximately 50 thousand will be the professional charge.


Anilesh Tewari
Advocate, New Delhi
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It would be 3 per cent of value of the shares

Litigation fees vary depending upon the Lawyer engaged by you

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
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The court fee is 7.5% Or maximum 75,000 of the total share value.

I charge around 50k to get this done and will let you know the time frame once we receive all the required documents from your side.

You may get in touch with me.

Advocate, Bangalore
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Litigation fees depend upon the lawyer's experience and standing.

Also you just find out from the company if there is any nominee in the record of the company. If there is a nominee you can avoid the legal hassels.




Shri Gopal Verma
Advocate, New Delhi
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Hi, in applying for succession certificate no court fee is required .. The litigation fee depends upon the personal capacity of lawyer engaged ..

Hemant Chaudhary
Advocate, Gurgaon
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1. Such Court fees vary from State to State.

2. Court fees for getting the succession certificate depends on the value of the properties for which the said certificate is being sought for.

3. In West Bengal, Rs.50 K is the maximum amount of Court fees which shall have to be affixed on the application seeking successsion certificate.

Krishna Kishore Ganguly
Advocate, Kolkata
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Two per centum on the amount or value of any debt or security specified in the certificate under section 8 of the Act, and three per centum on the amount or value of any debt or security to which the certificate is extended under section 10 of the Act.

Notes-(I) The amount of a debt is its amount, including interest, on the day on which the inclusion of the debt in the certificate is applied for, so far as such amount can be ascertained.

(2) Whether or not any power with respect to a security specified in a certificate has been conferred, under the Act, and where such a power has been so conferred, whether the power is for the receiving of interest or dividends on, or for the negotiation or transfer' of, the security, or for both purposes, the value of the security is its market-value on the day on which the inclusion of the security in the certificate is applied for, so far as such value can be ascertained.]

Rs. 25000/- will be fixed litigation fees in such a case.

Laksheyender Kumar
Advocate, Delhi
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Dear Client,

its 1 and half % to 2 % of the value of security , deft to which the certificate is extended.

Yogendra Singh Rajawat
Advocate, Jaipur
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To get the shares on their names, the legal heirs should obtain succession certificate. from a court of law.

The court fee for filing this petition seeking succession certificate is different to that of the stamp duty that is to be paid to obtain the same

The court fee, stamp duty to the value of the shares and the lawyer's fee shall be informed by the lawyer who you may engage on his/her terms.

The court fee, stamp duty will differ from one state to another and a lawyer's fee cannot be predicted by another lawyer.

T Kalaiselvan
Advocate, Vellore
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