Ancester property partition
Ancester Property has been divided 15 years back among two male heirs equally (1 & 2) after mutual agreement and two female heirs ( 3 & 4) consent with signature on agreement with witness. Legal heir 1 has expired & two sons ( 5 & 6) of legal heir 1 claim that property is not divided correctly, need more share and not ready to get the property registered as per earlier agreement. what should be further action? Legal heir 2 is much worried for not having ownership of property? Please advise
Asked 11 years ago in Property Law
No sir it is not registered.
What does mutation mean could be please explain a bit. Since the Legal heir 2 is not educated may not understand proceeding steps. Does it need to approach court?
Asked 11 years ago
partition took place in presence of reputation people called as panchayathi & agreement was executed. Agreement is not either registered or docs mutated in the name of 1 & 2.
If Heir 2 insist can the mutation can be done as per agreement without presence of heir 1? Is it correct as per law?
If at the re-partition has to happen, will female heirs will also have right to claim for property? And property will be divided in 4 parts (1 2 sons & 3 4 ). what could be further steps if this is option? What could be duration to conclude this issue by court?
Asked 11 years ago