Since imparting education is not a commercial activity, you can't start this preschool in this villa.
Just obtain the requisite license under the shops and establishments act to commence this.
Dear Sir I live in Faridabad in a builder's private independent bungalows society. I want to start a preschool in one of the rented villas. This villa is facing outside on a HUDA street. It does not require the preschoolers to enter the society at all. What legal permissions are required by me before starting a preschool here? Thanks in advance! Shalini
Since imparting education is not a commercial activity, you can't start this preschool in this villa.
Just obtain the requisite license under the shops and establishments act to commence this.
Though imparting education is not a commercial activity but still you will have to take permission from the Society for using the premises for non commercial purposes.
Also, you will have to get a license under shops and establishment act and will have to take appropriate sanction from the DM.
You do not need any kind of permission from CBSE just get a firm registered and start the preschool also check for the permissions if any required from the society for the commercial use of the Villa
Thank You
You need permission from the society for starting play school
2) further you need permission from the muncipal corporation for starting play school
3) further if your premises are rented you need landlord consent for starting play school
1. Is the area where you are staying a residential area or commercial area? You shall have to take approval for starting your commercial activities from the local Municipal Corporation/Board if your area is specified for residential purpose.
2. You shall have to take permission from your land lord who has rented you his Bunglow for residential purpose and also from the concerned Society.
3. Thereafter you shall have to take the regular license/approval required for dong a business like trade license in the name of the Preschool, , I.Tax registration, approval from shops and establishment department, open Bank account etc.
Hello mam, the villa in which you are residing comes under the RWA Norms , even if the entrance is Seprate for your house .. A permission from the association will be sufficient to proceed with your pre-school business as it will also benefit the association ..
There is no specific legislation or certification for setting up a play school in India. However, laws like the Private School Education Acts enacted by the State Government needs to be thoroughly considered as they may require registration and licensing of playschool. Moreover to set up a playschool in an independent premise, the formalities related the Municipal Corporation and education department of the city where the play school is being set up need to be completed and the respective application and registration fee is to be paid.
It is proposed that The ‘Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Policy’ along with regularizing the curriculum and learning tools for children, shall also make registration and accreditation of playschools mandatory.
The Shops and Establishments Act, in general, is silent in case of a playschool, that is a play school need not be registered under the said act, however as the regulations are different for every state, the act of the state where the preschool is proposed to be set up needs to be carefully studied and verified in order to reach to any conclusion.
Similarly in the case of Labor Laws, the respective state act needs to be followed:
For instance, the minimum wages for primary schools is Rs. 80 per day but these tend to vary from state to state and are to be accordingly paid. Also In case of the number of employees being more than 20, Employees Provident Fund schemes and Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 are to be considered.
As per clause (l) of Section 66D of the Finance Act, 1994 service tax is not applicable for a playschool as it is included in the negative list.
In today’s era of increasing competition and demand for quality, starting a Playschool in India is not only a lucrative business opportunity but also a Social and ethical responsibility which along with economic gains provides a sense of moral satisfaction and fulfillment. Thus by carefully formulating a business plan; choosing the suitable form of entity and considering applicable legal requirements, A playschool can be successfully started in India.
There is no permission required to be obtained form any local civic body to start a preschool in residential area or the villa you have proposed to start.
The permission of the society should be obtained with assurances that this will not disturb the other residents of the society.
The villa which I want to take on rent for the play school is located in a private society. (I also reside in the same society in another villa). It does not fall under HUDA. It does not have Municipal Corporation connection for water. The electricity bill is deposited with the builder every month, not directly to the State Electricity Board. The point is, do I still need approvals from HUDA or MCF? Is there any specific legal requirement to operate from a private society in Faridabad, Haryana? Thanks in advance! Shalini
Since villa does not fall within jurisdiction of muncipal corporation or HUDA you don’t need its permission
Obtain builder consent as no cooperative society has been formed of the residents
If society is formed obtain its written consent
If the same does not fall within the jurisdiction of HUDA therefore no such permission is required from HUDA.
Obtain the permission from the builder to start the same in the vicinity, still obligations under the shops and establishment act and also you will have to inform the DM and local police station
If the location is coming under Municipal limits, then permission to this effect need to be obtained from the local civic body.
The license issued by the local civil administration shall be a shield to protect you from any type of problems that may arise in future too.
You need no approvals from HUDA and MCF.
Moreover, this is a not a commercial activity, as I have already explained in my previous answer. Imparting education is a service, rather than a commercial activity or venture.
Just start this! Incase you face any complications, that can be taken care of easily. For now, you can start the operations.
Hi Shalini
Go ahead , as per your description you just need a registered firm for the current account regarding deposition of fee and expenditures and that also you don't want to do then get a rent agreement prepared and run your play school all off the record.
My suggestion would be to operate through a registered firm .
Thank You
1. For conducting commercial operation, you shall have to have license from the appropriate authority.
2. If your area does not fall under HUDA or any Municipal Corporation then is it under a Panchayat?
3. If yes, then you shall have to collect the approval from the said Administrative Authority to start your Play Group.