1.Where is your Company located? Is it in India? If yes, then in which state?
2.Collect irrefutable evidence of the said working hours the Company is forcing all its employees to work for.
3. Send a complaint letter enclosing the said evidence to the Labour Commissioner under copy to the Labour Minister If you have employee's Union in your Company then through the said union or if you do not have any union then through any of the Unions having influence in your State. Mark a copy to the local press and also electronic medium o enable hem to make a reportage on the said matter.
4. While lodging the complaint, add the fact of non issuance of appointment letter by the Company.
5. Do not let your name to be known by anybody since the Company will pounce heavily on the employees once they come to know about the complaint and if they come to know about your said action, you shall be terminated immediately on some ground or other.
6. The Union can also lodge police complaints against the owner/MD of the Company for forcing the employees to work inhumanly by threatening them to be terminated if they refuse to work for 12 hours for the entire week.
7. If police refuses to act, he union can file a Writ Petition before the High Court against police inaction making the Labour Commissioner also as the additional party.