• Legal notice

Dear Sir,

In my previous company, they harassed me a lot, they did mental torture to me, and when i was ill , i took some leaves and mean while i was searching for a new job, i did some interviews and in interviews the interviewers asked me for my work, i send them some of my sample just for interview purpose, and that i am i have given resigned from my current company because of torture and health issue, but they hacked my personal mail id and checked all the interview material and called me and say that will take a legal action because you have leaked the company information and will ruin your career and life, as they always understand that employees are their slaves. they may send a legal notice and i have no clue how to protect from that. i didnt do anything wrong about company but they just want to take a revenge. what to so i am so depressed and frustrated.
Can you anyone help me on this
Asked 10 years ago in Business Law

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6 Answers

let the company issue legal notice . then contact a local lawyer and reply to legal notice

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
96176 Answers
7736 Consultations

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till date company has not issued you legal notice . wait for issue of notice . without knowing contents of notice how can we advise you as to the reply that has to be sent to notice . you have to deny that any sensitive information has been leaked by you

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
96176 Answers
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Hacking the email id of an individual is itself an offence. The hacker and the official on whose order the email id was hacked can be prosecuted and jailed.

Ashish Davessar
Advocate, Jaipur
30763 Answers
972 Consultations

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As to date the company has not issued any legal notice to you. Once it is issued then take it to your lawyer and he will reply to the extent required.

Ashish Davessar
Advocate, Jaipur
30763 Answers
972 Consultations

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thanks for your appreciation

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
96176 Answers
7736 Consultations

5.0 on 5.0

Thank you for your appreciation

Ashish Davessar
Advocate, Jaipur
30763 Answers
972 Consultations

5.0 on 5.0

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