Minor property registration
Our relative are not good. what is the best way to safe guard my property for my minor children , in case of death of me and my wife. The property is on my name(Vishnu).There are 10 acres agricultural land and 2 houses on my name.
1) worried that my relative may submit fake will and take the property on death of me and my wife.
2) if the property is registered on my minors kids name. is not possible for one my relatives to get the court permission and sell all the properties and misuse the money.
3) is trust better?
please suggest best way to safe guard the property for my kids
Asked 7 years ago in Property Law
Religion: Hindu
1) sir, The register officer told me that there is no advantage of registered will over unregistered will. so fake wills can be create with fake dates to take the property .
2) gift deed on minor is same like registering property on minor right?
3) is it mandatory that the sale amount be deposited as fixed deposit? what if the guardian show more expenses and misuse the money?
Asked 7 years ago