My Mother's sister died in Mumbai at our house in 2007. She was unmarried. There is no nomination in all her accounts. She has a savings account with a cooperative bank in mumbai, with a nationalized bank in Mumbai, UTI certificates in Mumbai but she had worked in Gujarat and was getting a pension after retirement from SBI, Baroda branch where lies her pension account. Some amount is still lying in a treasury department, Gujarat. She was staying with us in Mumbai after her retirement. There is no immovable property in her name anywhere. Please advise us where to file a petition for succession certificate to claim all her accounts- in baroda, gujarat or in mumbai? Please specify.
Asked 10 years ago in Property Law
With reference to above question I would like to add that the petitioner's permenant address is Mumbai.
One more question can we claim all these accounts in Gujarat and Mumbai, in one petition?
Asked 10 years ago