Registration has to be done within period of 4 months
With penalty another 4 months
Document cannot be registered after period of 8 months of execution
I purchase a lees propery but i registered declaration form 1 year late then what help to us in law
What can i do
Registration has to be done within period of 4 months
With penalty another 4 months
Document cannot be registered after period of 8 months of execution
This property i purchase in november 2002 and registered deckaration in november 2003 till the date the possetion of the property is under is runinnig under thane court then what is your conclusion about property possion and what the chance to win a case in my favor
It is necessary to peruse the complaint filed in the and court
2) chances of favourable verdict depends upon the evidence of record
3) without going through the papers we cannot say whether you would win or lose
If you have purchased a property by a sale deed then the time limit for registration of sale deed is just four months, after that it cannot be registered.
You may have an alternative if you enquire in the local registrar's office, if not you may have to go for fresh execution of sale deed which can be registered now showing the previous one as sale agreement.