• Ancestors property

My grand father (mothers father) had property of 20 acres agricultural land, My father changed his sur name to my mother's sur name and acted as son to this family. My father took a loan on that 20 acres land, but he couldn't repay it. Bank has sold our property in auction.I was child and i didn't sign on any documents.

Do i have right on this land now? please tell me.
Asked 10 years ago in Property Law

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4 Answers

on your garnd father death was property transferred in your father name ? did grand father leave any will ? if yyour father as owner has morgaged property and failed to repay loan bank would sell it by auction .

you have no rights on said land property is already sold

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
96176 Answers
7736 Consultations

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Is your father alive? If he is not alive then did he leave a will in your favour during his life time? In whose name is the property registered in revenue records? When was the property sold by way of an auction by the bank? The answers to these questions are germane to decide whether you have any right in this land now.

Ashish Davessar
Advocate, Jaipur
30763 Answers
972 Consultations

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Kindly clarify in whose name the said property was registered and how. Also when it was auctioned by the Bank what was your age? You have not cleared the matter related to succession, will, gift etc. When the property is auctioned what right you are talking about?

Rajni Sinha
Advocate, Mumbai
425 Answers
39 Consultations

4.6 on 5.0

File a suit for partition in the court against your father and the bank.

Sai Kiran R
Advocate, Bangalore
86 Answers
6 Consultations

4.5 on 5.0

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