• Correction of date of birth in matric admit card

Respected Sir, I would like to know how I can correct my date of birth (DOB) in my matric admit card as per the correct DOB given in my municipal birth certificate.

I passed matric in 1997.My matric admit card was issued by Assam State Secondary Education Board in 1997.My municipal birth certificate was issued by Guwahati Municipal Corporation,Assam . My DOB was wrongly entered by my school authorities , fearing that I might be underage for matric,there increasing my age by 1 year from my original birth certificate.

Please suggest steps.
Asked 7 years ago in Civil Law

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8 Answers

Make an application for correction of DOC with Assam State Secondary Education Board. Annex the proof of your correct DOB. Incase the needful is not done within a reasonable period of time, approach the High Court seeking a writ of mandamus.

Vibhanshu Srivastava
Advocate, Lucknow
9696 Answers
314 Consultations

After lapse of 20 years school board would not charge your date of birth on school leaving certificate

2) you need court orders for rectification of date of birth in your school certificate

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
97779 Answers
7921 Consultations

1. If your father or mother is alive, any of them should execute an affidavit affirming that while admitting in your primary school, the school authority had inadvertently entered wrong date of birth in their records for which the said wrong date of birth has also been mentioned in your Matric admit card and all other educational certificates which are required to be rectified accordingly.

2. The said affidavit shall have to be affirmed before the local 1st Class Judicial Magistrate.

3. On receipt of the said affidavit, you shall have to apply before the concerned authorities enclclosing the copy of the said affidavit for making the necessary rectification .

4. By any chance if your parents are no more, then you shall have to affirm the said affidavit.

Krishna Kishore Ganguly
Advocate, Kolkata
27537 Answers
726 Consultations

This can not be done now. As the departments usually keep the record for a period of 15 years.

Anilesh Tewari
Advocate, New Delhi
18091 Answers
377 Consultations

You cannot change the date of birth in the matric certificate at this stage, it very badly barred by imitation.

If you have the original birth certificate on a different date, you file a declaratory suit to declare your correct date of birth citing the authorities refusal to incorporate the rectification.

T Kalaiselvan
Advocate, Vellore
87979 Answers
2369 Consultations

You may try your luck by approaching the High Court seeking direction against State matric education board, Assam to rectify your DOB. The Court will be reluctant to pass orders in favour as you have woken up from slumber very late and also because of the 3 year rule. However, you have no other option but to take a chance. Contact a local lawyer and ask him to file a writ petition.

Vibhanshu Srivastava
Advocate, Lucknow
9696 Answers
314 Consultations

You have to file writ in HC to direct school board to rectify your birth certificate

Board would rectify school leaving certificate only on basis of court orders

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
97779 Answers
7921 Consultations

1. `They can rectify the said incorrect DOB only with Court order.

2. The affidavit before the 1st class Judicial Magistrate as suggested in my earlier post shall have to be craftily drafted which will serve the purpose of a Court order also (viz " the educational authorities are now required to correct the DOB mentioned in their record and issue a fresh educational certificate with corrected DOB).

3. In some case, some official, due to ignorance, might refuse to entertain your application for the said change based on the said affidavit and in that case, you shall have to take up the matter with his superior officer and/or finally approach the Court if need be.

Krishna Kishore Ganguly
Advocate, Kolkata
27537 Answers
726 Consultations

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