A land has been seized in Urban Ceiling and surveyed as "RESIDENTIAL" (rejecting the appeal of the owner that land is agricultural). In revenue records it is still as agricultural land then at present which provisions will be applicable? Hindu Succession Act (for residential land) or UPZALR (for agricultural land in Uttar Pradesh).
Was declartion as "residential" land by comoetent ceiling authority enough for applicability of Personal Law of succession?
Asked 7 years ago in Property Law
Religion: Hindu
No, actually the land was seixed in Urabn Ceiling in 1980 as residential land, now it has been returned back under Ceiling Repeal Act, so what's the stand of daughetrs' right in this land? Will the land be treated as urban or agricultural? The Ceiling authority in 1980 has declared the land as residential and the owner has not challenged the order in any higher court, but in revenue records the land is still agricultural! So will it be subject to Hindu Sucession Act or UPZALR Law (as in U.P.)?
Asked 7 years ago