Condonation of Delay: Post-dismissal of HC suit for restoration
I am senior citizen of 76 residing in Thane, near Mumbai.
A PS Bank's HC Suit filed in 1992 against my family P Ltd Co. for Rs.8 Lakhs was dismissed ex-parte in Mar-2011. An amount of Rs.2.6 Lakhs was paid in 1995 as per HC interim order to the Court Receiver as part payment at the interim stage.
The HC order of Mar-2011 closed the suit, handing over physical possession of the Co.'s property from the Court Receiver to me, on behalf of the Co., which was implemented in Jun-2011.
Thereafter, I discovered that the Mortgage of the factory land and building, given to the Bank in early 70's had not been discharged.
Despite my repeated offers (written and personal) to settle the suit as per RBI's OTS 2000 scheme, the Bank have not replied or reponded till now. After rejecting my specific offer in 2001,without giving any reason, not asingle letter or Notice have been replied.
My last notice in Apr-2014 to the CMD of the Bank to hand over discharge of the mortgage has not been acknowledged or replied.
I can't file a suit in the city civil court just to get the mortgage.
Can I file a Writ petition to get the mortgage, and or get refund of the Rs.2.6 Lakhs, and or get compensation for mental agony and harassment etc.?
My email is My Home phone No. is 022-21717227
Asked 10 years ago in Civil Law
Sorry. But the title of my Q is only indirectly related to its contents, due to some mental cobwebs.
My problems:
a) I am 76 and I have time to file a suit and wait for another 20-25 years.
b) I have only 3 daughters, all professional and married and earning more than me.
c) All my son-in-laws are the same. None of them is at all interested enough to know any facts / background of the matter.
d) Who will brief the advocates to fight the case after my death?
e) The property is today worth 100 times the notional collateral debt (which I am advised, has been extinguished with the dismissal of the suit).
f) My main problem is "How to bring the Bank to the table for releasing the mortgage, so I can sell my co. with the property?"
g) The Bank have gone back twice on their oral offers by their AGM and GM for Rs.5.36 Lakhs and Rs.11 Lakhs in 2009 and 2010, before the suit was dismissed. After the dismissal, the first letter to the back informing of dismissal and asking them to discharge the Mortgage not rel;ied and simply an application to HC for restoration of the suit and condonation of the delay, without serving any notice to me or my Co. The Bombay HC on hearing in 2014, said that the jurisdiction of the HC has since been increased to Rs.1 Crore and to serve the notice to the defendants in the suit and file a fresh application in the City Civil Court, which the bank has yet to do.
g) After that I deposited the balance amount offered by me in 2001 under RBI's OTS scheme, Rs.2.2 Lakhs (though not legally due), as FD, pledged to ICICI Bank. I served a Notice to the CMD of the Bank with a copy of the FD receipt, asking the Bank to discharge the mortgage across the table to get the amount of the FD in Apr-2014. The Bank did not even reply.
I have done all these legally as advised by Senior Advocates in High Courts.
I want some smart Advocate to think "OUT OF THE BOX" which gives me a solution of the problem.
All the legal advise given suggest going to the courts, which I DO NOT WANT, as I wlll loose any other recourse I will then fall into a LEGAL TRAP with no solution before I die.
Asked 10 years ago