Ex-flatmate has fudged common accounts for months
I was living with 2 flatmates and after moving out have discovered that the flatmate who was responsible for monthly accounts has been over charging me for the past 6 months. The amount of monthly overcharging was ~6k which means I have over paid by 36k
I have discovered this while going through the accounts in detail now, and have asked her to show me her expenses and calculations for each month. She is refusing to do so and is not believing the accounts I am showing which are from my bank statements and other online purchases.
Is there any legal course of action I can take in case she does not co-operate?
Asked 8 years ago in Civil Law
Thank you everyone. I have been trying to get more details from her. Based on the excel sheet I sent her and her reply, she has in principle accepted that she has been cheating me. The excel sheet I provided to her showed that she owed me 18,000 for four months. She replied changing the values to 1,800 over 4 months. However, this value is based on wrong calculations by her in the excel sheet. If the calculations are corrected, the amount comes to be about 10,000. However, she has still not sent the actual bills which I believe will take this amount higher to ~18,000
My question is: Can this be termed as an admission of guilt (I have her response on e-mail)? If I file a claim against her, can this be taken as evidence and can I compel her to disclose the actual bills? I am asking because if she continues to harass me for this amount, i am contemplating filing a claim/police case to scare her into admitting the truth.
Asked 8 years ago