• Fake rent receipts submitted by tenant

Hi All,
I need your quick advise regarding one of issue which I'm facing.
I came to know that one of my past tenant had submitted rent receipts with my fake signatures for the year he was not at all residing at my flat.He had already left but still he submitted the receipts in his office.He is currently working with one of India's largest IT company in Gurgaon.
So my question is can I file RTI to Central Board of Direct Taxes to get the information regarding the same.I'm not sure, if I send a legal notice to his company for verification of the rent receipts, will they provide me the correct information or not.
So please guide me how should I proceed? Should I file RTI or send legal notice to his company?
Asked 11 years ago in Property Law

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3 Answers

Since you believe the receipts are fake, you can file a police complaint in local police station, inform the company about the fake receipts and also inform the local income tax department about the same. Follow up with all three for the action taken against the person.

Feel free to contact on [deleted] for assistance.

Setu Niket
Advocate, New Delhi
47 Answers
20 Consultations

if one of your ex tenants has submitted fake rent receipts and your signatures have been forged he would be in deep trouble . company may make inquires regarding whether any such receipts were issued by you or not .

employee will lose his job . you just sit tight dont take any action . wait for phone call or letter from company . then you inform them about true facts

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
97791 Answers
7923 Consultations

How you came to know about such practice? Keep the company informed about it. Usually IT returns are filed through the employers/ their accountants. Ask for the previous years filing records.

You should have some documentary proof for filing case against him.

Sandeep Hegde
Advocate, Bangalore
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