Dear Querist
immediately contact passport officer of area who issued the passport with the help of lawyer of your area if possible.
Hello Sir, Note: Currently Working in Hyderabad, Home town Indore I had applied for re-issuance of passport against my damaged passport (pages spoiled due to water marks - Identity visible, everything intact) in Sept-Oct 2012 and got a new passport in Oct 2012. At the time of post Police verification unfortunately no one was present at home and an adverse report was submitted, for which i got a letter on 1st May 2014 (at this time i am working in Hyderabad) asking to submit few required documents (PP + Company offer letter + Affidavit) else they would impound my passport and which i did on 9th May 2014. Currently on passport India website the status shows that they have received and updated it on 23rd May 2014. Till date no one has come to my home town place for re-verification. The problem is that i have given my passport for Visa stamping and have to travel to US in next one week. I am not sure what kind of problems i could face - 1. While the US embassy stamp Visa on it. 2. While flying out of India, at immigration. 3. When will they do the verification now, it has not been done in past 7- 8 months, shall i reach Passport Office, not sure if they would do it in next 7 days. Thanks in Advance
Dear Querist
immediately contact passport officer of area who issued the passport with the help of lawyer of your area if possible.
1) visit local police station . contact inspector in charge and request him to let you know when they are coming for re verification .
2) chances of your passport being impounded are remote as you have submitted all the documents(PP + Company offer letter + Affidavit) sought by the passport office
3) it is better you visit the passport office personally and meet the concerned officer for early resolution of your problems
Thanks Mr.Nadeem & Mr.Ajay for your responses, i would certainly proceed as suggested, but following are few more concerns related to it - 1. Right now will i face any problem in issuance of stamped passport with H1B Visa - currently my passport is with US consulate. 2. While travelling out of India, will there be any issues at the Airport - any clue about it? 3. i will ensure and speak to the TI of our area so that it doesn't get faulted the next time but does meeting with the PO at Bhopal resolve the issue in a week's time or will it make the situation worse - considering that the Passport Officer may ask me to stay for longer duration, which in my case is not possible as my company is sending me to US.
1. I don't think so that there will be any problem for stamping the passport
2. contact PO and requesting him/her for early resolution of the issues.
1) it is doubtful that your issue will get resolved in a week time .
2) it all depends upon how soon police furnish verification report
3) since you have submitted documents sought by passport office and it has been duly received and updated in My 2014 you may not face problem in issuance of visa .
1. What if i don't do anything from my end for now and let the police verification be done at there own pace. I could speak with the police man at the time when he comes for review. 2. Also is it possible that they are satisfied with the documents that i have provided earlier (3 Personal Particular form, with my current Hyderabad work location address, Offer letter, Affidavit) in May 2014 and they might not require a police re-verification.
1) it is better to be proactive and meet the concerned local police inspector rather than having a Damocles sword hanging over your head
2) since you have to travel in one week better move fast
3) in case of reissue of passport police verification is done after issue of passport . it is because of adverse verification report the passport authorities sought to impound your passport . after you have submitted requisite documents it is possible they may have been satisfied and not require re verification .
1. How do you know that there has been an adverse police verification report against you?
2. What was the adverse report you think have been submitted against you since you were not present at the time when police came to your house?
3. May be that the report has been submitted by police that you were not found for conducting the verification for which the passport office asked you to submit further documents and after you had submitted the said documents they have updated your status 23.5.2014,
4. Visit the passport office to get the matters clarrified.
1. Visit the local police station to get the issue resolved,
2. It is unlikely that you will find any problem to get Visa since your records in the passport office has already been updated on 23.5.2014.
1. It is important to know what adverse verification report police had submitted earlier as alleged by you,
2. May be that police had submitted report that they could not conduct the verification since you were not available for which the passport office called for furher documents to be satisfied about you,
3. It may also be that the passport office has now been satisfied and no further police verification will be conducted on you,
4. Visit the passport office and also the police station to ascertain the fact.
1. At the outset I wish to state that an adverse police report cannot be submitted on the mere ground that no one was present at the address given by the applicant when the police went to conduct the verification. To submit an adverse report due to the absence of the applicant or any of his family members at the residential address of the applicant during the verification exercise is totally illegal. Police needs to be taught the law. The adverse remark in the passport verification form has to be vouchsafed by annexing the document, if any, on the basis of which the adverse opinion has been formed by the police officer.
2. Go and personally meet the concerned police officer to know the status of the report. Your passport cannot be impounded under the given circumstances.
1. Such issues do not get resolved within a week. It may rather take months in view of the manner in which the police functions.
2. Since you have submitted the requisite documents you are unlikely to face hassles in getting the visa.
1. If you do not do anything from your end the police and passport authorities may work in a whimsical manner, the effect of which can be detrimental to your interests.
2. You should firstly ascertain what adverse report has been submitted against you. As I mentioned in my first reply the fact that you were absent from the house at the time of verification cannot be the foundation of an adverse report. If the police has simply written ''premises found locked'' it cannot be construed as an ''adverse report''. If adverse report has been based on the fact that you were unavailable at the time of verification then it can be challenged in the High Court.
3. It is possible that they may be satisfied with the documents that you have provided, in which event no further police verification may be required.