• Purchase of house constructed on e-Khata (Form 9-11b)

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a local resident of Bangalore East region. Recently, I visited a property for sale and really liked it. It is a duplex house constructed on a 30x50 site. I am very interested in purchasing it, however, my Laywer advised me to take caution since the property is registered under E-Khata "11B" type. He stressed on the fact that the property has the suffix "B" and is not ideal for purchase. I did not fully understand his explanation to this.

Furthermore, the layout is relatively new and has not been approved by BBMP or BDA. The seller claims that approval will be follow after a few more houses in this layout is sold. 

Kindly advise for or against this property. Thanking you in advance,

best regards
Akhil Acharya
Asked 7 years ago in Property Law
Religion: Hindu

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4 Answers

you should go by your lawyer advise

2)since layout is new and not approved by authorities dont take any hasty decision

3) properties which have incomplete or improper documentation are listed in a temporary register (popularly known as B Register), awaiting further documents or approval. The certificate and extract from this register are known as B –Khata.

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
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check whether duplex house has the building plans sanctioned

2) whether completion certificate / occupation certificate is issued

3)if construction has not been carried on as per sanctioned plans it can be demolished by the authorities

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
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Furthermore, the layout is relatively new and has not been approved by BBMP or BDA. The seller claims that approval will be follow after a few more houses in this layout is sold.

Kindly advise for or against this property. Thanking you in advance,

Your lawyer is right in his opinion that the property is yet to get approval or even the lay out itself is not yet approved.

the property may be looking very good, attractive and very cheap and affordable price, but will it not be a foolish thing to buy the property if the property do not get approval and it is demolished due to that?

In my opinion, you should better stick to your lawyer's advise.

T Kalaiselvan
Advocate, Vellore
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Could you please clarify if it is legally allowed to construct a house on an E-Khata land without layout approval ? What could be the repercussions of constructing a house on such lands ?

There is no question of legality for doing illegal things.

Any such things found to be contrary to the law of the land or the property which has been constructed without approval from the competent authority may be liable to demolished if it is brought to the notice of the authority.

T Kalaiselvan
Advocate, Vellore
86230 Answers
2289 Consultations

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