• Pay scale anomaly in autonomous body

I work for an autonomous body from four yearsat gp 2800 selected on pg diploma qualification now i am selected for same job with different title work is same at gp 4600 with graduation qualification both jobs are same ministry different organizations is it possible to prove that how higher qualification is less pay and less qualification more pay for same work
Asked 7 years ago in Constitutional Law

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4 Answers

the administrative ministries have to consider such cases keeping in view whether these pay scales are justified based on functional considerations and recruitment qualifications.

2)automonous bodies may have their pay scale and fix the recruitment qualifications

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
96559 Answers
7784 Consultations

it may have control of new selected job

2) you can write to the minstry and point out the anomaly in pay scales

Ajay Sethi
Advocate, Mumbai
96559 Answers
7784 Consultations

The finance ministry has said the the award of the 7th Pay Commission will not directly apply to autonomous organisations and the revision in pay scales of such employees should result in minimal burden on the exchequer.

"The autonomous organisations are expected to manage their affairs in such a fashion that their dependence on the central government for financial support to meet the extra financial implications is minimal as such autonomous organisations are expected to be financially self-sufficient.

Thus an autonomous body shall be having its own set of administrative rules with regard to pay fixation and promotion policy, it will not be bar for you to make representation in writing to the top management through proper channel to consider your grievance and fetch you the desired relief as per prevailing rules.

T Kalaiselvan
Advocate, Vellore
86760 Answers
2318 Consultations

Same autonomous body is holding adminitrative control of my new selected job.

According to the memorandum by the finance ministry, the administrative ministries concerned will consider such cases keeping in view whether these pay scales are justified based on functional considerations and recruitment qualifications.

In respect of those autonomous organisations that are unable to bear the financial impact on account of the pay revision, the memorandum said they would have to take up the proposal with respective financial advisors.

Some of the recommendations of 6th cPC are:

Autonomous organisations and other such bodies would have to provide for 10% of the additional expense on account of pay revision through additional revenue generation, another 10% from savings and the rest 80% would be provided by the Centre.

The finance ministry said that “It has now been decided that the orders may be extended to the employees of autonomous organisations whose pattern of emolument structure as pay scale and allowances are identical to those of central government employees, but on the above lines.

T Kalaiselvan
Advocate, Vellore
86760 Answers
2318 Consultations

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