[Arising out of Special Leave Petition (Civil) No.4267 of
Lalitkumar V. Sanghavi (D)
Th. LRs Neeta Lalit Kumar
Sanghavi & Anr. …Appellants
Dharamdas V. Sanghavi & Ors. …Respondents
Chelameswar, J.
1. Aggrieved by an order dated 24th September, 2010 in
Arbitration Application No. 44/2008 on the file of the High Court
of Bombay, the instant SLP is filed by the two children of the
applicant (hereinafter referred to as “the original applicant”) in
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the above mentioned application. The SLP is filed with a delay
of 717 days. Therefore, two IAs came to be filed, one seeking
substitution of the legal representatives of the deceased
appellant and the other for the condonation of delay in filing the
2. The 1st respondent is the brother of the original appellant
and the other respondents are the children of another deceased
brother of the original applicant. Respondents are served and
they have contested both the IAs.
3. Accepting the reasons given in the applications, we deem
it appropriate to condone the delay in preferring the instant SLP
and also substitute the original appellant (since deceased) by
his legal representatives. Both the IAs are allowed. Delay
condoned. Substitution allowed. Leave granted.
4. The undisputed facts are that the parties herein are
carrying on some business in the name and style of a
partnership firm constituted under a partnership deed dated
20th October 1962. The partnership deed provided for the
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resolution of the disputes arising between the partners touching
the affairs of the partnership by means of an arbitration. In
view of certain disputes between the partners (details of which
are not necessary for the present purpose) the original
applicant filed arbitration application No.263/2002 under
Section 11 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996
(hereinafter referred to as ‘the Act’, for short) before the Chief
Justice of the Bombay High Court which was disposed of by an
order dated 21st February, 2003 by a learned Judge of the
Bombay High Court, who was the nominee of the Chief Justice
under the Act. The relevant portion of the order reads as
“Considering that applicant respondent No.1
have appointed two arbitrators, Justice H. Suresh,
Retired Judge of this Court is appointed as
presiding arbitrator. The arbitral tribunal so
constituted to decide all disputes including claims
and counter claims of the parties arising from the
controversy. In case respondents do not
cooperate with the matter of appointment of third
arbitrator, applicant initially to bear the made
part of final award in the position, application
disposed of accordingly.”
5. By his order dated 29th October, 2007, the presiding
arbitrator informed the appellants that the arbitration
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proceedings stood terminated. The relevant portion of the
order reads as follows:
“The matter is pending since June, 2003 and
though the meeting was called in between June,
2004 and 11th April, 2007, the Claimant took no
interest in matter. Even the fees directed to be
given is not paid.
In these circumstances please note that the
arbitration proceedings stands terminated. All
interim orders passed by the Tribunal stand
6. In response to the said communication, the original
applicant, through his lawyer, communicated to the arbitrators
and also the advocates of the respondents herein that the order
of the arbitrators dated 29th October, 2007 does not reflect the
true factual position of the matter. The relevant portion of the
letter reads as follows:
“The Hon’ble Arbitral Tribunal is therefore
requested to kindly revoke the said letter dated
29th October 2007 and modify the same and
kindly record that the proceedings are being
terminated due to non compliance of
orders/directions as also non payment of fees and
charged by the Respondent No.1”
7. On 17.1.2008, the original applicant filed arbitration
application No.44/2008 with prayers (insofar as they are
relevant for the present purpose) as follows:
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a) this Hon’ble Court be pleased to appoint some
fit and proper person as arbitrator for entering
reference and adjudicating upon the disputes in
respect of M/s. Sanghavi Brothers.
b) the Respondent No.1 to 4 be directed to
deposit a sum of Rs.1,00,000/- towards costs of
arbitration and fees of the Arbitrator.”
That application came to be dismissed by the order under
appeal in substance holding that such an application invoking
Section 11 of the Act is not maintainable - with an observation
that “the remedy of the application is by filing a writ petition
not an application under Section 11 of the Act”.
8. Within a couple of weeks thereafter, the original applicant
died on 7.10.2012. The question is whether the High Court is
right in dismissing the application as not maintainable. By the
judgment under appeal, the Bombay High Court opined that the
remedy of the appellant lies in invoking the jurisdiction of the
High Court under Article 226 of the Constitution. In our view,
such a view is not in accordance with the law declared by this
Court in S.B.P. & Co. v. Patel Engineering Ltd., (2005) 8
SCC 618. The relevant portion of the judgment reads as under:
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“45. It is seen that some High Courts have
proceeded on the basis that any order passed by
an arbitral tribunal during arbitration, would be
capable of being challenged under Article 226 or
227 of the Constitution of India. We see no warrant
for such an approach. Section 37 makes certain
orders of the arbitral tribunal appealable. Under
Section 34, the aggrieved party has an avenue for
ventilating his grievances against the award
including any in-between orders that might have
been passed by the arbitral tribunal acting under
Section 16 of the Act. The party aggrieved by any
order of the arbitral tribunal, unless has a right of
appeal under Section 37 of the Act, has to wait
until the award is passed by the Tribunal. This
appears to be the scheme of the Act. The arbitral
tribunal is after all, the creature of a contract
between the parties, the arbitration agreement,
even though if the occasion arises, the Chief Justice
may constitute it based on the contract between
the parties. But that would not alter the status of
the arbitral tribunal. It will still be a forum chosen
by the parties by agreement. We, therefore,
disapprove of the stand adopted by some of the
High Courts that any order passed by the arbitral
tribunal is capable of being corrected by the High
Court under Article 226 or 227 of the Constitution
of India. Such an intervention by the High Courts is
not permissible.”
That need not, however, necessarily mean that the application
such as the one on hand is maintainable under Section 11 of
the Act.
9. Learned senior counsel for the appellants, Shri Shyam
Divan, submitted that if application under Section 11 is also
held not maintainable, the appellants would be left remediless
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while their grievance subsists. On the other hand, learned
senior counsel for the respondents Shri C.U. Singh submitted
that the appellant’s only remedy is to approach the arbitral
tribunal seeking a recall of its decision to terminate the
arbitration proceedings.
10. Chapter III of the Act deals with the appointment,
challenge to the appointment and termination of the mandate
and substitution of the arbitrator etc. Section 11 provides for
the various modes of appointment of an arbitrator for the
adjudication of the disputes which the parties agree to have
resolved by arbitration. Broadly speaking, arbitrators could be
appointed either by the agreement between the parties or by
making an application to the Chief Justice of the High Court or
the Chief Justice of India, as the case may be, as specified
under Section 11 of the Act. Section 12(3) provides for a
challenge to the appointment of an arbitrator on two grounds.
They are - (a) “that circumstances exist” which “give rise to
justifiable doubts as to” the “independence or impartiality” of
the arbitrator; (b) that the arbitrator does not “possess the
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qualification agreed to by the parties”. Section 14 declares that
“the mandate of an arbitrator shall terminate” in the
circumstances specified therein. They are-
“14. Failure or impossibility to act.—(1) The mandate
of an arbitrator shall terminate if—
(a) he becomes de jure or de facto unable to
perform his functions or for other reasons fails
to act without undue delay; and
(b) he withdraws from his office or the parties
agree to the termination of the mandate.”
(2) If a controversy remains concerning any of the
grounds referred to in clause (a) of sub-section (1), a
party may, unless otherwise agreed by the parties,
apply to the Court to decide on the termination of
the mandate.”
11. Section 14(2) provides that if there is any controversy
regarding the termination of the mandate of the arbitrator on
any of the grounds referred to in the clause (a) then an
application may be made to the Court – “to decide on the
termination of the mandate”.
12. Section 32 of the Act on the other hand deals with the
termination of arbitral proceedings.1
1 Section 32 - Termination of proceedings.
(1) The arbitral proceedings shall be terminated by the final arbitral award or by an
order of the arbitral tribunal under sub- section (2).
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13. From the language of Section 32, it can be seen that
arbitral proceedings get terminated either in the making of the
final arbitral award or by an order of the arbitral tribunal under
sub-Section 2. Sub-section (2) provides that the arbitral
tribunal shall issue an order for the termination of the arbitral
proceedings in the three contingencies mentioned in subclauses
(a) to (c) thereof.
14. On the facts of the present case, the applicability of subclauses
(a) and (b) of Section 32(2) is clearly ruled out and we
are of the opinion that the order dated 29th October, 2007 by
which the Tribunal terminated the arbitral proceedings could
only fall within the scope of Section 32, sub-Section (2), subclause
(c) i.e. the continuation of the proceedings has become
(2) The arbitral tribunal shall issue an order for the termination of the arbitral
proceedings where-
(a) the claimant withdraws his claim, unless the respondent objects to the
order and the arbitral tribunal recognises a legitimate interest on his part in,
obtaining a final settlement of the dispute,
(b) the parties agree on the termination of the proceedings, or
(c) the arbitral tribunal finds that the continuation of the proceedings has
for any other mason become unnecessary or impossible.
(3) Subject to section 33 and sub- section (4) of section 34, the mandate of the arbitral
tribunal shall terminate with the termination of the arbitral proceedings.
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impossible. By virtue of Section 32(3), on the termination of
the arbitral proceedings, the mandate of the arbitral tribunal
also comes to an end. Having regard to the scheme of the Act
and more particularly on a cumulative reading of Section 32
and Section 14, the question whether the mandate of the
arbitrator stood legally terminated or not can be examined by
the court “as provided under Section 14(2)”.
15. The expression “Court” is a defined expression under
Section 2(1)(e) which reads as follows:-
“Section 2(1)(e) “Court" means the principal Civil Court of
original jurisdiction in a district, and includes the High
Court in exercise of its ordinary original civil jurisdiction,
having jurisdiction to decide the questions forming the
subject- matter of the arbitration if the same had been the
subject- matter of a suit, but does not- include any civil court
of a grade inferior to such principal Civil Court, or any Court
of Small Causes;”
16. Therefore, we are of the opinion, the apprehension of the
appellant that they would be left remediless is without basis in
17. The appellants are at liberty to approach the appropriate
court for the determination of the legality of the termination of
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the mandate of the arbitral tribunal which in turn is based upon
an order dated 29th October, 2007 by which the arbitral
proceedings were terminated.
18. The appeal is dismissed.
( Dr. B.S. CHAUHAN )
( M.Y. EQBAL )
New Delhi;
March 04, 2014