Can Hindu son have any right on his Muslim father's property
A Muslim person marries a Hindu girl both maintain their own religion. They had one son given a Muslim name. The man divorce her Hindu wife and the son lives with her mother, they are not in contact with each other, later the son converted to Hindu. Thereafter the man marries a Muslim girl and had two daughter, the man purchased a flat in his own name and living with them. Meantime the Hindu wife dies leaving the Hindu son(major), he has no contact/relation with his Muslim father. The man dies leaving his Muslim wife and two Muslim daughters(one is still below 18 years). After four years the Muslim wife and two Muslim daughters wants to sell their flat. Now can the son who is Hindu and separated with his mother and has no relation with his father during his lifetime has any right/claim on his father's property
Asked 8 years ago in Property Law
Religion: Muslim
Incase the answer is yes, then what should I do as nobody knows his whereabouts. Can he claim when he comes to know about the sale later?
If the answer is NO then should I proceed for Registration after taking necessary permission from court on behalf of the minor daughter and inserting a INDEMNITY clause in the deed?.
To be on the safer side should I insert an advertisement in the newspaper about the purchase of the concerned flat inviting claimant, if any. Incase no claim/objection received within the stipulated period, if received after the regn of the property, will the advertisement indemnify me. Pls advice
Asked 8 years ago