1) it is your case that defective goods have been supplied to you . further you have telephonically contacted the merchant and complained of defective goods supplied .
2) you have informed the bank about defective quality of goods supplied and tried to return the defective goods which were not accepted by merchant
3) bank has refused to give you charge back on grounds that cause of action is against the merchant as goods have been delivered to you
4) visa operational guidelines code 53 provide that for Us and canda transactions card holder must return the goods or make valid attempt to return the goods . for other international transactions goods must be returned . if goods have been returned the charge back must be accepted .
5) in your case goods have not been returned as merchant failed to accept it . the guidelines discriminate between us , canda and other international transactions .
6) move consumer forum against merchant . seek refund of money paid with interest . also make bank a party to said proceedings .
7) as per operational guidelines bank is not bound to issue charge back to customer