A strange case of 138 N.I.
i have a section under sec 138 Ni act in process in the JMFC, this case has been filled in the year 2008 and still the entire cross examination procedure is also not completed.
During the dependency of the matter the accused had approached me for a compromise and he drafted out a MOU, where he stated that my claims of Rs. 23,20,000 /- are correct and he agrees to pay me back in installment, the stamp paper has been bought by him, the same document has been notorized by him. He did not honor the same and also has not paid a single rupee till date.
the document i had provided before the court, the court again had asked him his intention.
He said he wanted to compromise and wrote a application in the court to allot him time for making the payment to me and he also issued 2 cheques and handed them over to me in court. 1 cheques was for rs. 10 lacs and the other was for Rs. 13.2 lacs.
The very first cheque had bounced and returned for insufficient funds.
i had brought it to the notice of the court on the next date, and the judge was furious and asked him in court that he will be penalized for it, but that day he told the court that it had happened by mistake and he will go and get a draft for the same immediately. He left the court room and never returned, the judge made me call him several times but he did not answer. This all has happened orally and i do not think the court had made any remarks in writing in court.
Now the irony of the matter is that by the next date the current judge got transferred and a new judge had come. The accused has been since then just putting different applications challenging the first cheque which was issued 7 years back, and on the basis of which i had filled the case. The current judge is completely ignoring the facts even after me telling him to take action on the basis of the evidence before him, but he has failed to do so.
1) what can i do in a situation like this, i cannot even go and appeal in any other court, because on what basis will i go and appeal
2) i would like to file a case of 420 against the accused on the basis of the MOU and cheques issued in court, will the same stand and be a good case to fight ?? i did not file another 138 case on the bounced cheques as i would have to pay a big stamp duty.
Please advise.
Yogesh Anklesaria
Asked 10 years ago in Criminal Law